汽车技术 教职员工

电子邮件: jbaum@hpfashion.net

哲学: 我相信每个学生都应该有权利在一个有趣和安全的环境中学习. 我的工作是确保你们能亲身学习汽车技术理论 有经验,有道德的商业行为,对汽车维修有信心. 我想做的一部分就是让你每天都对重返课堂感到兴奋. 我向你介绍真实世界的经历,以及对未来的现实看法 like working in the automotive repair industry. We try to emulate the 汽车工业 尽可能地接近. By the time you are done with the program you should be familiar with the daily tasks found in this industry. You will be prepared to enter the industry as an entry level technician, service advisor, or parts technician.

工作经验: I have been working in the 汽车工业 all of my adult life. 我工作过 at General Motors dealers from 1981-1997. I worked for Alameda County Public Works for three years, and Wyo-Tech for two years. I am a Chevrolet Master Technician, Cadillac 金牌技术员,Hendrick主技术员,ASE主技术员,MACS认证 讲师和加利福尼亚州认证旅行级汽车技师.

电子邮件: kshadbolt@hpfashion.net



作为一名技术人员,我在经销商和独立经销商都工作过,主要是在 欧洲汽车. I also have experience in: Shop management, parts, cashier, dispatching 服务顾问.

作为一名教育工作者,在来查伯特学院之前,我有幸与 Mission Valley ROP、怀俄理工大学/红杉学院、北美宝马公司的学生, 和MINI USA. 我曾任教育总监,负责监督和发展教育事业 WyoTech的项目. I have also provided instruction for other educators in classroom management and curriculum development.

作为BMWNA的讲师,我为经销商的技术人员提供指导, 宝马和MINI的研究生,以及宝马III级培训项目. 我们的 培训涵盖了在当今社会取得成功所必需的技术和软技能 汽车工业. I have also provided training for other instructors on BMW technology.


  • 佛罗里达城市大学高等教育管理理学学士学位
  • Associate of Applied Science in 汽车技术, Sequoia Institute
  • Diploma, 汽车技术, WyoTech
  • 宝马制造培训
  • 沃尔沃制造培训


  • ASE Master Automotive Technician with L1
  • Mobile Air Conditioning Society (MACS) Certified Instructor
  • California Advanced Smog Technician
  • BMW认证服务商
  • California Bureau of Automotive Repair Certified Training Instructor

Erich Bass-Werner
电话: 510.723.7179

我来自一个有着悠久的汽车维修技师和商店传统的家庭 主人. 我做过专业工程师,汽车维修技师, master technician, shop foreman, and field service manager. 我一直在车里 我从1985年就开始从事维修业务了(如果算上帮我父亲工作的那些年,甚至更早) 当我还是个少年的时候,他的商店). So I know the business inside out since I am working in the car industry for the past 35 years.

在我从事这个行业的几年里,我培训了技术人员、学徒和服务人员 advisors, and technical instructors; the auto repair industry was the right choice 为我和一个成功的努力.

2018年底,我得到了一个教书的机会,所以我决定尝试一下 as I am getting ready to complete my career at Mercedes-Benz; I am now a full-time automotive technology instructor at “大学, and I am enjoying it.


  • Professional Engineer (MSEE, BSEE)
  • 注册专业汽车服务技术员(加拿大省际红) 密封)
  • ASE Master Technician (G1, A1-A8, and L1)
  • Certified in advanced automotive electronics (BOSCH)
  • Certified in advanced automotive diagnosis (BOSCH)
  • General Motors Grand Master Technician
  • 通用汽车车间领班
  • BMW认证技师
  • 宝马车间领班
  • Mercedes-Benz Certified Master Technician
  • 奔驰车间领班
  • 技术培训师
  • 技术指导
  • Certified British Columbia Motor Vehicle 安全 Inspector
  • Certified British Columbia Emissions Inspector (Aircare)


  • Prospect High School - Automotive 程序
  • Michigan Technological University - B.S. Electrical Engineering (Electronics, Circuits & 系统、计算机工程) 
  • University of Central Florida – B.S. & M.S. Electrical Engineering (Electronics, Power)
  • Mid Florida Technical Institute – Advanced 汽车技术
  • Harcourt 学习 Direct - Electronics
  • Cleveland Institute of Electronics - Advanced Automotive Electronics
  • Bosch Training Center - Certified Bosch Automotive Technician
  • 不列颠哥伦比亚理工学院-通用汽车汽车服务教育 程序
  • 路虎大学
  • 宝马大学培训
  • 梅赛德斯-奔驰(mercedes - benz)大学


  • SAE
  • IEEE
  • iATN


我开始工作 on cars at an early age of 12 with my father. 我加入了美国军队 in 1979 and completed 1 year of automotive and diesel training. 我最终还是结束了 在军中服役4年,专攻汽油发动机和动力传动系统. I attended Sequoia institute in 1986 and took classes’ full time. 我完成了 我的第一份工作是在Oil公司做两年的润滑油/雾霾技术员 Changers and eventually managed 我自己的位置.
我在格兰德汽车公司做了两年的雾霾技术员,最后管理 我自己的位置. From there I went to Montgomery Ward’s and stayed for 10 years. I 当时的首席雾霾技术人员是在8个地点担任区域培训师吗. 我专业 in smog failures and drivability diagnosis. 
我做了两年的独立承包商,并进行了驾驶性能诊断 几家商店包括:

  • Guaranteed Muffler and brakes and automotive
  • Marks Transmissions and Auto Repair
  • Amaral’s Mufflers and Auto repair
  • 海湾城市汽车拍卖
  • Cat’s radiators and Automotive repair
  • 鲍勃维修服务

从6月份开始,我开始在加州海沃德的Eden Area ROP教授全职课程 of 2004. 2008年至2008年,我开始在加州海沃德的查伯特学院兼职教学.
I have the following ASE Certifications:

  • A1发动机维修 
  • A2 Automatic Transmission/Transaxle 
  • A4悬挂和转向 
  • A5刹车 
  • A6电气/电子系统 
  • A8发动机性能 
  • L1 Automobile Advanced Engine Performance Specialist

I am currently a State of California Smog certified technician.

我是ASCCA的 & 猫. I actively participate in the SkillsUSA organization both 与Eden ROP和Chabot学院合作. I have been a martial arts instructor since 1994 and a student of the class since 1974.

电子邮件: esnider@hpfashion.net

I have been working around the automobiles most of my life. 我的正规教育是 汽车修理工始于1973年,当时我还在上高中 一直延续至今. After High School I attended Universal Technical Institute in 凤凰阿兹. My first automotive repair job was at an Arco station. 我开始工作 as automotive technician at a Volvo dealership in 1978.

1979年,我开始在一家大型的奥兹、本田、吉普和德罗宁经销店工作 格兰岱尔市阿兹. I enjoyed working on Honda’s so much I decided to specialize as a Honda 作为一名技术员,在经销商处担任本田主技术员超过25年. 在我作为本田高级技师的职业生涯中,我参加了本田顶级技术 连续五年参加比赛,并获得了本田公司的全国认可 the top 20 Honda Technicians in 1992.

In 2003 I started teaching new technology and repair procedures to BMWS.T.E.P的学生 以及宝马经销商技术人员.

我开始在查伯特学院担任汽车技术讲师(兼职) in 2011. 我的第一个任务是帮助25名失业的NUMMI工人获得知识 and skills needed to enter the auto repair industry.


  • Honda Master Technician certification
  • ASE Master Technician / L1 certification
  • 宝马认证
  • 苹果认证
  • 加州EA烟雾技术员

我们今天拥有的汽车已经发展成为非常复杂的机器,需要 constant education by those who repair them.

电子邮件: skay@hpfashion.net

史蒂夫·凯 joined the Automotive 工作人员 at “大学 in 2016. 他目前也是 在米森谷ROP的汽车部门工作,在詹姆斯·洛根高中教书 在联合城. Prior to joining both of these programs, Mr. 凯在怀俄泰工作 位于弗里蒙特. Mr. Kay began there in 2003 as an Instructor and over the next 在12年里,他成为了首席讲师、系主任、教育部副主任、 教育总监,也曾短暂担任过临时总统. 当 joining the staff at Sequoia Institute, later becoming Wyotech, Mr. 凯带来了25个 作为弗里蒙特的小企业主,我有多年的专业知识和经验 in the repair of Honda and Acura vehicles. Mr. Kay holds a Master Degree in Business 自1988年以来,他一直是ASE认证的机械大师 a Certified State Instructor in the Smog 程序. In addition to fulfilling his passion for automobiles and technology as the vehicles continue to evolve, Mr. 凯是个狂热的人。 outdoorsman, adding the title of Hunter Education Instructor to his name. 在他空闲的时候 时间,先生. 凯是麋鹿会的活跃成员已经超过25年了,持有 许多职位目前担任受托人,多个委员会主席职位 and a couple of District positions as well. 这还不够吗. 目前凯 serves as a High School Football coach in Fremont. Mr. 凯为社区服务 担任童子军团长,幼童团长,领队,棒球教练,足球教练,董事会成员 负责青少年棒球项目,青年棒球组织董事会成员,助推器俱乐部主席, and served on numerous other committees to help the youth. 所有的活动 Mr. 他最大的成就就是做了一个顾家的男人. 他已经结婚超过35年,有两个儿子,都是教练 其中一位现在还在和他一起做教练,两人都热爱户外运动 并跟随父亲的领导,非常积极地参与回馈 致社会