As shown in the data below, CCEPG projects have positively impacted large numbers of students as well as classified professionals, faculty, and administrators.

Student Success Data

  • Business and English showed 10% gains in student persistence among Black and Latinx students after semester-long inquiry groups.
    • English: In Fall 2015, African American and Latinx students had a 12% increase in success rates for classes taught by the 15 English instructors who participated in 无花果.
    • Business: In Fall 2017, there were 266 African Americans and 678 Latinx enrolled in Business courses. Between Spring 2015 and Fall 2017:
    • success rates for African Americans increased from 38% to 47%, with Fall 2016 as high as 49%.
    • success rates for Latin(x)  increased from 58% to 61%, with Spring 2017 as high as 68%.
  • We look forward to working with IR to assess data for upcoming pedagogy institutes.

Data for Expanding the Campus Choir

  • Fall 2020 – Spring 2021: CCEPG led a session for the whole campus on College Day; 3 2-hour 会话 for 100 villagers in addition to 5 optional 会话, 4 2-hour 会话 for the administrative team; 5 会话 for allies with white privilege; and initiated a BIPOC affinity group and Podcast.
  • Summer 2020 Fierce-Allies with White Privilege Summer Series: Of the 33 participants who attended, 20 had not been involved in other CCEPG 会话. (61人. 表达了 interest in the 会话)
  •   2019 CCEPG Sessions:
    • Fall 2019 Pedagogy Institute (5 faculty)
    • Summer Leading for Equity Retreat  (5 classified, 11 faculty, 3 admin)
    • Spring 2019 Pedagogy Institute (2 classified, 8 faculty,)
    • 基金会al Equity Retreat February 2019 (5 classified, 3 admin, 15 faculty)

Of the 57 participants* in the events listed above, 34 joined CCEPG equity work for the first time. Facilitators are not counted as participants. Some people participated in more than one event.

  • 在12月之前. 2019, 114 unique participants engaged in CCEPG’s in-depth 会话. 这 number does not include mini-会话 offered to 学习 Connection, SASE, or Tri-Chairs in early fall of 2019.

What have participants said about CCEPG 会话:


“Having the opportunity to discuss this issues with colleagues and reframe the idea of “fairness” in terms of looking at equity has been a great gift. I feel more comfortable making choices about differentiating expectations for students who I feel can succeed if they are given the right kind of support and encouragement.” -Alice Hale, Early Childhood Development


“这 type of experience is necessary to grow as an individual and to challenge yourself on figuring out “Why do you do what you do?”. The intentionality of choosing a focal student to support taught me valuable lessons about my internal biases. 会议 provided me with resources, support and suggestions on how to improve.  我彻底 enjoyed the process, activities, discussions and various points of view during our 会话.”- Emmanuel Lopez, Counselor